Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31. 7:30 AM

Today it is cold outside with no discernible breeze, the temperature is roughly 28 degrees Fahrenheit. It is already fairly light outside, although cloud cover is at least 75%. The clouds are high and thick, they look a little dark but I do not expect any precipitation in the immediate future.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Welcome to the blog about the weather above the surface in Eau Claire, Wisconsin! New posts will be made as often as Hupy's Weather and Society requires. Prepare yourselves Eau Claire, a storm of knowledge is rolling your way. Ready or not, here I come.

ed: This blog shall now be referred to as Closing Time, and no longer as the Weather Above Ground. This is because the former is a neat sounding name that references the time of my observations, while the latter is a cheap distortion of a very successful website name. Clever, but cheap. I like the new name better.