Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, Mar 26

The air this evening held an ambient temperature of 41° F, which is actually up from the weather earlier in the day (39° at noon according to weather underground). This is due to the cooler air of the high moving out over MI as the low currently over the Dakotas pushes in, and as it moves in it kicks up some warmer air from the south. The sky is currently entirely overcast, with mid-altitude stratocumulus blotting out the sky. As this warm front moves in, we can expect some rainy weather and perhaps thunderstorms in the next day or so, perhaps even overnight.

here is the current surface data from unisys. Note the High and Low on either side of us is differentiated by winds swirling in opposite directions, and where they meet (eau claire at the moment) should even be experiencing precipitation. I didn't feel anything, but perhaps some of you guys will:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9

High pressure moved through at about midday toady, and now seems centered over da UP. Temperatures felt warmer to me, but that must be because I decided to wear a sweatshirt, and there was no wind (well, it should pick up here as the L from Wyoming moves towards us). It was 29° at work at a little before 7 tonight, and there were already some cirrus clouds forming in the upper troposphere, and there was a slight breeze. That H did not stick around long, so I would guess that the weather should change fairly rapidly here as the low comes to dominate the area. It is predicted to bring some very very nice weather.
Unisys thinks that there are way more clouds than I am seeing. That's ok. I'm sure we're both wrong. But look at those temperatures in that low.... I am getting excited.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, Mar 8

Today was another grey day. The temperature sat at 34° F at a little after 7, and the winds were up (despite my predictions) to 15 mph. Those winds really make a difference in how cold it feels: while the ambient is sitting at 34°, the windchill brings us down to 24°. Ouch. As I mentioned, the sky remains overcast as far as the eye can see, but it will soon become clear out due to the incoming HIGHS out of the west. Look out for that.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, Mar 7

Today was again fairly mild, and due to the lovely drab overcast skies above we can look forward to an ambient low tonight which could honestly be worse. Unfortunately, at this time of the year "mild" is 35° F at a little before closing time... at least its lighter out. The low from the other day passed over us today though, so the winds whould die down over the course of the next day.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, Mar 6

Unfortunately, I forgot to do my normal observation tonight so this observation is brought to you by 9:30. This is very unfortunate because as I noted this weekend (and will fill in - again - after this post, apologies for the goof), the sky is noticeably lighter than it was at the beginning of my observations. The conditions are very fair, 44°F temps and a mere 3.5 mph wind. The sky seems hazy with a few dark patches of indigo that stretch along the Northern horizon. It is difficult to see much about the clouds, other than that they are high in the sky and very light (a couple stars poke through if you let your eyes adjust), all that I can tell is that they are broken cirrus. There is an extended warm front stretching just north of us, and a low moving in from the West which is kicking warm air up from the south. This will continue to bring heat (and clouds) over the next day.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, Mar 5

Tonight the weather again hovered around freezing at 32° F on the dot (the dot being, by the calculations of my state- of-the-art digital thermometer at work, the nearest whole number). Today's weather saw both extremes of the spectrum: what began as a bright and sunny day quickly turned into overcast skies with light snow. By Closing Time however, the storms had long dissipated and few clouds remained scattered across the sky. As you can see, a warm front is stretching down from the Rockies, which is leading many to call for 50°F weather! I remain skeptical over the extent of Mother Nature's kindness, however it is clear that temperatures will be higher in this coming week than the previous.

Saturday, Mar 3 and Sunday, Mar 4

Sunday Mar 4:

Tonight the weather was fair, fairly cold that is. It is only 18°F with winds of 3.5 mph form the NW. There are scattered clouds in the sky, and pressures are rising as a High passes to the south of us. There is a warm front forming in the West which is expected to bring some heat during the week. Which will be welcome since today's high was only 25°. As a side note, I am noticing a little color in the sky off of the clouds tonight.... spring is coming.


Saturday, Mar 3

Today enjoyed some boring weather, which is nice after the craziness of last week. Looking ahead, we have a High to the West which should bring along some cold temps and clear skies in the immediate future. It is 27°F and there are very light winds.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, Mar 2

Tonight's temperature is again 32°F, with winds of 10 mph from the West. As can be seen on the surface map, there is a cyclonic motion caused by a Low Pressure air mass centered right over Grand Rapids, MI. This probably is what's causing the apparent lack of wind there. What does not show quite as well on the unisys map is the Low in northern Minnesota. The winds on the outer edge of these two systems meet around Ironwood and what I think is Ladysmith, which is causing similar readings but for the opposite reason. We can expect the overcast skies to remain until the second Low clears out, but with no Highs in sight that could be a little while.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, Mar 1

There was nothing exciting this evening, the weather did clear up in the early evening (around dinner time) but as I blanked on the observation I can't say how the sky looked at 7. Currently it is overcast again, orange light pollution reflecting off of the bottom surface of the clouds. The temperature is an even 32° F and there is a breeze outside of 5 mph. Low pressures are moving around the north and the south of us, so while there are no fronts coming in there is the possibility for some light weather because of atmospheric instability.